Infuse this word into your conversations/lessons and share these quotes with students as a character education focus. There will be a new word every two weeks.
• “You must always be able to predict what's next and then have the flexibility to evolve.” – Marc Benioff
• “The hearts of the great can be changed.” – Homer
• “Action and flexibility create opportunity.” – Garrison Wynn
Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.
PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time
Here’s What We Have for You Today:
Reading Homework:
3rd Grade: 20 minutes
4th Grade: 30 minutes
Language Arts:
Word study due May 23
Test in class on May 23
Social Studies:
Signed review due Wednesday (new date)
Test Wednesday
3rd Grade Math:
Online tests due Friday
Review due Monday-signed
Test Tuesday
H 6-11
Online quizzes due Friday
Review due Monday signed by a parent
Test Tuesday
Xtra math 3 rounds with Mr. C.
To access Think Central:
Go to (linked under math on this blog) Log in with this info on the drop down menu:
Birmingham Public School District
Birmingham Covington School
Check the ‘remember me’ box
Username with tc at the start (ex.tcsb07) password (animal) Click My Scores - The most recent test will be at the top
4th Grade Math:
HR 7-10 HR 7-11
Test 5-18-17
Language Arts:
In writer’s workshop, we are finishing up our research and the kids are getting ready to start creating their e-books!! In Reader’s Workshop we continue to work on our reading skills and applying our knowledge to understand what we are reading. We are also enjoying our learning around nonfiction text features. We are learning to use them in our reading and how to incorporate them into our own nonfiction writing.
Social Studies:
We are nearing the end of our Economics study and the kids are loving it! All students brought a review home to study from in preparation for the test on Tuesday!
Soon we will begin our next exciting science unit on Plants. This is especially exciting as we will incorporate a lot of the knowledge we have gained from our Tower Garden project!
***Often we post things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well on our Google Classroom accounts. Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!